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A platform for trainers and learners to interact, exchange information, and collaborate in a virtual learning environment. Learn how LMS can boost productivity and efficiency of your workforces

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What Learning Management System Do?
Enhance Trainer-Learner Interaction

 Learning Management System (LMS) provides a platform for

trainers and learners to interact, exchange information,

and collaborate in a virtual learning environment

The Importance of
Personal Growth and
Development in the

  • 94% of employees would stay at a company longer if it invested in their career development

  • 74% of employees felt they weren’t achieving their full potential due to lack of development opportunities

  • 56% of employees would take a suggested course by their manager

The Importance of Personal Growth and Development in Workspace

Why Choose
Learning Management Systems?

Cost Saving

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Time Efficiency

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Easily Tracking

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Safety Training

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 Making a Real Difference

Face Authentication


To utilize facial recognition technologies to identify

correct individuals

Concentration Meter


To understanding the

degree of concentration,

boost focus, and retention rate

Our LMS Feature

Learning is a journey, not a destination.

Train people, measure results and increase development. All features are precisely designed.



Assessment to tests a knowledge by asking questions

Essay Icon Illustration


 Learn how to formulate and improve overall writing skills.

broadcast message icon illustration

Broadcast Message

via Email or Notification in Website

Online Webinar


Live online video conference with participants getting information in real-time.

Task  Icon Illustration


Track Current, Upcoming, Complete, Overdue Task

course certificate certification icon illustration


Create and Manage Course Certification

Online Course


Wide range of course option lineups from business skills to qualifications

Account restriction icon illustration

Account Restriction

Manage access levels  for Mentor, Student, Lecturer

email notification icon illustration

Email Notification

Stay informed via email notifications

Making Learning Easy with Our Platform

Unlock your potential, one module at a time.

LMS Interface

Easily create, deliver, and track training.

Trusted in



1 Million



Content Production

No Content? No Worries!

Get started with ready-made courses!

You can save time on creating courses. 


Just add Content Making to your LMS

and give your teams access to hard and soft skills courses they need for success at work.​

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Case Study

Discover how LMS have transformed businesses across various industries.